Neuropsychological Assessment

Our Services

What is a neuropsychological assessment?

A neuropsychological assessment is a non-invasive investigation of your cognition (i.e. thinking skills such as memory, concentration, problemsolving skills etc.) where a specially trained clinician asks questions about your background and current abilities and administers various paper-andpencil and computerised tests.

The aim of the assessment is to objectively measure your thinking functions and to determine your cognitive strengths and weaknesses with respect to everyday functioning.

When would you seek a neuropsychological assessment?

Neuropsychological assessments can be invaluable sources of information for assisting with diagnosis of brain disorders and dysfunction as well as treatment and management planning. Requests for assessments can be made by individuals and their families, doctors, allied health professional, or insurers.

At ReNeuro, we provide neuropsychological assessments for individuals aged 16 years and over for many purposes including (but not limited to):

‐ Examining cognitive strengths and weaknesses (i.e. memory and other thinking skills)
‐ Clarifying a diagnosis
‐ Effects of medical and psychological interventions
‐ Guardianship
‐ Decision-making capacity (e.g. decisions around making and changing a will, managing finances, making decisions about medical care or accommodation)
‐ Cognitive capacity to drive
‐ Study planning; need for and types of special consideration
‐ Return to work following illness or injury
‐ Informing approaches to cognitive rehabilitation
‐ Disability applications

What does the consultation involve?

The neuropsychological assessment consultation includes a clinical interview to obtain relevant background (e.g. medical/psychiatric/lifestyle) information, as well as the neuropsychological assessment itself, which includes a comprehensive battery of cognitive tests. This usually takes between 2-4 hours, and can be split over several sessions, if necessary.

Following the consultation, a comprehensive report will be sent to your referring clinician, with recommendations for management and treatment plans, where appropriate.

Patients will also be offered feedback regarding the results of the assessment, as well as recommendations pertaining to individually-tailored cognitive strategies, where appropriate.

In some complex cases we may suggest that you come in for an additional face-to-face consultation (e.g. for further testing, or to discuss the results in more detail). If necessary, this will be discussed with you either at the time or soon after your initial assessment.

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